My first teacher of homoeopathy was my family homoeopath who invited me to a "Mickey Mouse" 'Natural Health' course that he was conducting through the adult education arm of the local technical school. The eight once-weekly evening sessions included a session or two about homoeopathy and we were given two A4 sheets of medicine notes, folded into a booklet which I kept for many years. My homoeopath recommended Boericke's Materia Medica as further reading…. This now-battered book still sits in a readily available spot on my bookshelf 30 years later.
This story illustrates that it doesn't matter if the teacher is male or female - it doesn't matter if the students are given a smattering of information or volumes - it doesn't matter if the class consists of men or women, married or single. What matters is that the teacher is scattering the seeds of knowledge. We might be very surprised to know who eventually picks up these seeds, possibly many years later and the experience can be life-changing.