These two special sessions with Colin Griffith will shine the light on the thymus gland and the eighth chakra. You will learn all about the thymus gland itself, as well as the materia medica of the remedy and its role as heart protector of buried trauma.
Session 1: Colin will introduce you to the thymus gland and describe how, in Colin's words, "a group meditation marked the beginning of a new chapter in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder".
You will next learn about the anatomy and physiology of the thymus gland, which will be contrasted with its role in the spiritual welfare of a patient. Then Colin will dive into the materia medica of thymus gland as a remedy, and its role as heart protector of buried trauma.
Session 2: In this session you will begin by learning how the syphilitic miasm is related to Thymus Gland, the remedy. Then learn how to create combination remedies with Thymus Gland in order to reach back into history, including going back into ancestral energy to resolve old history. Colin will explain how to return to 'mainstream' prescribing after having detoured into history, and what to expect of the patient's constitution once old trauma is resolved.