Webinar series: Dr Jonathan Hardy: The Imponderables: larger than life

Webinar series: Dr Jonathan Hardy: The Imponderables: larger than life

Join us as Dr Jonathan Hardy takes us on a journey deep into this most interesting remedy group. In Dr Hardy's words, "possibly the most powerful group of remedies in our materia medica, the Imponderables are for healing the deepest traumas and addressing the most intractable inner conflicts".

We will study remedies including Electricitas, Sol (Sunlight), Ignis alcoholus (Fire), Hecla Lava, and Spectrum (Light Spectrum). We will study the themes of the group as a whole and learn the distinctive language which sets the Imponderables apart from other more familiar groups such as the Gases, Radioactives and Lanthanides.

4 sessions - 8 CPD points


+ AHA professional members: $120
+ AHA general & allied members: $180
+ AHA student members: $120
+ Non-AHA members: $240


Dates & times:

THURSDAYS 27 March, 3, 10 & 24 April 2025

ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC: 7 pm to 9 pm AEDT
SA: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
QLD: 6 pm to 8 pm
NT: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
WA: 4 pm to 6 pm

Note: the first two sessions are AEDT and the third and fourth sessions AEST. Please check your time zone to be sure of the correct start time!

Registration is open until midnight on Tuesday 25 March.


About this webinar series:

The positive experience of these forces and energies is an unlimited feeling of power and expansion. The negative state is one of dissociation - escaping from the horror of past trauma into a non-material consciousness. Possibly the most powerful group of remedies in our materia medica, the Imponderables are for healing the deepest traumas and addressing the most intractable inner conflicts.

Patients needing these exciting remedies tend to be strong, dynamic people. They talk of energy and power and are often successful and well regarded by others. Yet they do not seek to dominate. They are humanitarians and want to serve others. Many patients needing an Imponderable remedy are healers, especially homeopaths.

Often these people have suffered unimaginable trauma early in life, such as the loss of one or both parents in terrible accidents or the severest abuse. They even talk of being aware from an early age of needing to heal generations of family trauma.

Issues of good and evil and darkness and light are recurring themes in these remedies. The Imponderabilia are primordial forces, close to the fundamental duality which underlies the material universe. When these patients go deep into their inner world, they sense this basic polarity.

There is often a conventional diagnosis such as ADHD or bipolar disorder and physical pathology can be very severe: profound and chronic exhaustion, neurological disease, severe chronic pain. But when the simillimum is an Imponderable the healing can be rapid and profound.

Remedies studied with the aid of video cases will include Lux foramina nigris (Black Hole), Electricitas, Positronium (Anti-Matter), Laser Beam, Spectrum (Light Spectrum), Sol (Sunlight), Lux foramina polaris (North Star Light), Ignis alcoholus (Fire), Hecla Lava, and Magnetis polus arcticus and australis.

The Imponderables group shows overlaps with Gases, Radioactives and Lanthanides. We will study the themes of the group and learn the distinctive language which sets the Imponderables apart from the more familiar remedy groups.

The titles of the four sessions are:

  • Session 1: Electricity and fire
  • Session 2: Magnetism
  • Session 3: The black hole
  • Session 4: Light 

About the presenter:

Dr Jonathan Hardy completed his Honours degree in zoology at Oxford University in 1978. He followed this by studying medicine and then homeopathy. He became a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1988 and since then has worked full time as a homeopathic doctor.

He practises classical homeopathy, combining the time-tested traditional techniques with the exciting new methods developed by the well-known homeopathic teachers of the last 20 years.

In particular, Jonathan values the systematic approach to case taking and analysis, employing knowledge of the themes, sensations and pathologies which relate to the different kingdoms, families and remedy groups. Most of all, he tries to connect with the essence of a case and a remedy, focusing especially on the language and other expressions which reflect the source of the inner disturbance.


Event Properties

Event Date 27-03-2025 7:00 pm
Event End Date 24-04-2025 9:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Member discounts apply
Location Online Webinar

Corporate Members