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Homoeopathy Campaign

In March 2015 Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) released a report that concluded ‘there is no reliable evidence that homoeopathy is effective in treating health conditions.’ This report has received widespread media coverage to falsely claim 'there is no evidence that homeopathy works.'

The impact of a review by a respected institution such as the NHMRC cannot be overstated: the general public, health practitioners, decision-makers and other researchers all rely on those findings.

The NHMRC report is being cited as credible evidence and used by anti-homoeopathy sceptics (such as Friends of Science in Medicine) to lobby government to erode Australians’ right of choice to access homoeopathic practitioner services, products and education. This pressure is real and on-going.

What's being done:

The AHA and its partners in the complementary health sector are continuing to lobby in an effort to have the report withdrawn and restore standards of accountability, impartiality and ethical conduct in government processes relating to complementary medicine.

How you can help

Sponsor the AHA for:

  • Administrative and legal costs to support homoeopathy in Australia
  • Future actions to support ongoing protection of Australians’ right of choice in healthcare
  • Providing accurate information about homoeopathy and its research base to the Australian community

You can sponsor homoeopathy via this link: 

or make small, on-going contributions via EFT to:
AHA Inc., BSB 034-221, Acc. No. 644032,
please use your initial and surname as reference so we can acknowledge you in the sponsor list


Link to the Homoeopathy Campaign sponsors at the bottom of this page.

Corporate Members